fostering environments that contribute to experiences remembered with satisfaction and fulfillment



  • Support through your transition from conception (prenatal) through childbirth (birth) to parenthood (postpartum).


    • One (1) or two (2) prenatal home visits—this allows you to select a structure that best fits their schedule—to get to know each other, discuss preferences and values (or really anything that comes to mind!), and practice comfort measures

    • Access to prenatal and postnatal resources (yay, books) and referrals

    • 24/7 on-call availability begins at week 36

    • Call/text any time


    • Virtual support at the onset of early labor

    • In-person support upon active labor (or whenever you ask for me to be by your side) up to two (2) hours postpartum (or until you’re fed and comfortable)

    • Physical (via a variety of comfort techniques and vehicles) and emotional (encouragement, facilitation of effective communication between you and your healthcare team) support for you and your support person(s) (if applicable)

    • Photo and video documentation (if desired)

    • Breastfeeding support


    • One (1) postpartum home visit to process the birth story, foster a healthy postpartum period, and offer referrals (if postpartum doula support is desired, see tab below)

    • Call/text any time

  • I will connect you with certified pre/postnatal coach, Victoria Keyes, founder of bb and Mommy.

    She empowers you to prioritize self care, establish healthy routines in your new environment, and adopt skills that will help you navigate and thrive in your new role.

  • flow a restorative series for mommies to be and mommies that are tired

    • minneapolis, mn

    • 10am on saturday, december 7

    sign up here